See Our Domain Price Table

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Shared Hosting Price Table

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Hosting a website starts with installing a web server, an application on your Linode that delivers content through the Internet. This section will help you get started with Apache, the world’s most popular web server. For more information about Apache and other web servers, see our guides on web servers.

If you are using Ubuntu 18.04, instead of installing each component separately, use Tasksel to install a LAMP stack on your Linode. When Tasksel completes, skip the installation steps in each section below and continue.
Hosting a website starts with installing a web server, an application on your Linode that delivers content through the Internet. This section will help you get started with Apache, the world’s most popular web server. For more information about Apache and other web servers, see our guides on web servers.

If you are using Ubuntu 18.04, instead of installing each component separately, use Tasksel to install a LAMP stack on your Linode. When Tasksel completes, skip the installation steps in each section below and continue.
Hosting a website starts with installing a web server, an application on your Linode that delivers content through the Internet. This section will help you get started with Apache, the world’s most popular web server. For more information about Apache and other web servers, see our guides on web servers.

If you are using Ubuntu 18.04, instead of installing each component separately, use Tasksel to install a LAMP stack on your Linode. When Tasksel completes, skip the installation steps in each section below and continue.
Hosting a website starts with installing a web server, an application on your Linode that delivers content through the Internet. This section will help you get started with Apache, the world’s most popular web server. For more information about Apache and other web servers, see our guides on web servers.

If you are using Ubuntu 18.04, instead of installing each component separately, use Tasksel to install a LAMP stack on your Linode. When Tasksel completes, skip the installation steps in each section below and continue.